My cousins 23 year old son died Sunday - yes fathers day - from injuries that he sustained in an automobile accident on June 2. My heart is just sick for her and her family and for what I know they will go through for the rest of their life. Because I was trying to help her, albeit numbly - I didn't get to put anything in my booth this week and will be on vacation next week.
Oh well, who cares now right?
We always go to the beach for Jordan's anniversary. It was his most favorite place in the world and ours too. It is a fitting place to sit and remember his wonderful presence in our lives. I will finish reading "The Shack" and then will turn to a Nora Roberts and then a John Grisham.
It's the only time I ever get to read and I can't wait for that part.
I will also sit and reflect on how in the world I will help my cousin get through this. Everyone kept saying that I would be the only one that could help her. Don't they know that I still can't even help myself !!!! You would think that since I had been there, I would know something, but there is nothing in this world that can help a parent that has suffered the loss of their child - Nothing !!!
With much love,

1989 to 2006

1985 to 2009
I was so sorry to read about your cousin's son. I doubt I would survive losing a child. You might be surprised at how often I think about your beautiful Jordan. Thank you for sharing him with us.
This was lovely, thanks for sharing this
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