Monday, February 9, 2009

Living with the pain of grief

I attended a workshop on Saturday, "Living with the Pain of Grief". This workshop was sponsored by Beth Marcello at her business eLearningK12 in Thibodeaux, LA. I can't say enough about it. There was laughter and tears and a few skeptics that are now hard core believers. It is comforting to be connected to your lost loved ones and to interact with others who are living with grief. I can't say enough about Bhrett and MaryJo McCabe. I met others who are dealing the loss of someone they love and I was drawn to several that I believe will be lifelong relationships. I have come to realize that there is no such thing as a chance meeting. I went to this workshop because it was in Thibodeaux and that is where Jordan was born, it just seemed like it was meant to be. Everything happens for a reason !

Jordan Walker Gooding

1989 to 2006

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